Pay Dirt
(website), 2013
Recent studies show that men and women still receive different pay for their work. Why? Are societal factors to blame? Individual choices that women make? Other factors?
In the fall of 2013, CUP teaching artist Pema Domingo-Barker worked with Danielle Cardarelli’s senior Economics class at the Urban Assembly School for Criminal Justice in Boro Park, Brooklyn to explore the differences in male and female salaries.
To get perspectives on why there might be a gender wage gap, students interviewed Mary Lou Davis from the American Association of University Women. To learn about ways to address the gap, they participated in a salary negotiation workshop with Jane Pendergast and Roli Wendorf from the WAGE Project.
Students created drawings and photos as a way to process the information they collected in interviews. With help from graphic designers Megan Bullock and Joelle Riffle, the group made a pamphlet that investigates reasons behind the wage gap, and includes tips on how to fight it.
What People are Saying
“Everything about my project was successful: Learning about the wage gap and discovering ways we can do something about it, finding evidence to support that, and drawing something that went along with it.” – Fevzie Vila, student
“Something successful about my project was getting my entire class ready for what we may encounter as we get ready to start working.” – Jazmine Williams, student
Resources & Links
American Association of University Women promotes equity for all women and girls, life-long education, and positive societal change.
Women Are Getting Even works to end discrimination against women in the American workplace in the near future.
Special Thanks
Mary Lou Davis (American Association of University Women) and Jane Pendergast & Roli Wendorf (The WAGE Project)